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A compassionate caregiver and elderly man smile as they sit and share coffee. A compassionate caregiver and elderly man smile as they sit and share coffee.

Find a caregiver job

As a dedicated caregiver, you can help families restore balance, order and peace to their lives and help their senior loved ones remain at home. Care Professionals benefit from initial and ongoing job training, flexible scheduling, and the opportunity to meet new people and develop meaningful relationships.

Why become a caregiver?

In-home care is one of the fastest-growing and most stable professions.

It’s also held in high regard. Roughly 92% of Americans view in-home caregiving as an essential job; one where workers can develop their skills over time and see an almost immediate impact on their clients.

What is a Care Professional?

Care Professionals are the heart of each local Home Instead office. You not only provide the very best home care services but also create a positive aging experience for older adults. Depending on your qualifications, you may be asked to perform a range of tasks including:

  • Personal care
  • Alzheimer's and other dementia care
  • Household help
  • Meal preparation
  • Transportation

Home Instead caregiver job benefits

What you do makes a real difference in the lives of others. As a Home Instead caregiver, we want you to feel valued — and be rewarded for your skills. Here are just a few of the great benefits and perks we offer:

  • Flexible scheduling
  • Person-centered training
  • Career path opportunities
  • Companionship with aging adults
  • Rewarding experience
  • 24/7 call support