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Senior Care Resources

Here are some home care resources and expertise to help make life as a family caregiver a little easier, a little less stressful, a little more manageable.

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Senior man and daughter talking and laughing near bookshelves
Jan 22, 2024
Long-Term Care Insurance Explained
Senior man in hospital bed
Jan 18, 2024
7 Tips When Someone You Love is Dying
Jan 17, 2024
Guide: Home Care Solutions
Senior having a conversation with their son at the dinner table
Jan 15, 2024
7 Tips for Better Communication
Adult children hospice with parent
Jan 13, 2024
5 Misconceptions About End-of-Life Planning and Care
Daughter and father sitting at table
Jan 11, 2024
3 Tips for Candid Conversations About Older Adult Fraud
A senior man with can sits in doctor office examination room
Jan 10, 2024
Tips on Selecting Home Medical Equipment
Woman Man Conversation
Jan 10, 2024
Final Years Planning: Where to Find Assistance
Woman caregiver on the phone discussing senior care options
Jan 10, 2024
The Need to Plan Ahead
Adult children senior conversation
Jan 09, 2024
How to Begin the Final Wishes Conversation
Caregiver offering tea to a senior
Jan 09, 2024
Conversation Starters for Aging Adults and Adult Children
Stack of Books
Jan 07, 2024
Reliable Resources: A Guide for Older Adults, Their Families and Professionals in Aging
A senior man talks with a caregiver and pharmacist
Jan 05, 2024
Tips to Manage Follow-up Appointments
adult siblings planning
Jan 03, 2024
6 Ways to Get Started on a Final Years Plan
Family Discussion
Jan 02, 2024
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Elderly woman in her kitchen holding a cup of coffee
Dec 19, 2023
Home Your Own Way
Caregiver and Senior Holding Hands
Dec 16, 2023
Compose Your Life Song
Senior man and son eat and talk at kitchen table at home.
Dec 08, 2023
Difficult Aging Conversations: What to do if You See the Signs
adult daughter comforting aging father
Nov 30, 2023
Suddenly You’re a Caregiver. Now What?
Senior man with glasses talks with caregiver
Nov 28, 2023
Where’s the Best Place to Recover?
Nov 14, 2023
4 Questions to Ask if Older Adults Refuse Care
Senior woman and daughter sit talking at the kitchen table at home
Nov 02, 2023
Hurdles that Prevent Communication with Aging Parents
Senior woman wearing unkept pink sweater with stains on it
Nov 01, 2023
Signs That Your Aging Parent Might Need Help
Oct 26, 2023
Guide: Navigating Long-Term Care Insurance
Son and Father talking
Oct 25, 2023
40-70 Rule: An Action Plan for Successful Aging
Reviweing financial papers
Oct 18, 2023
Guide: Blueprint for Retirement and Beyond
home instead helpful resources to assist family caregivers navigate the aging journey
Oct 11, 2023
The 40-70 Rule: Communicating Touchy Topics
Three daughters sit at kitchen table and talk about care for aging parents
Oct 11, 2023
Solving Family Conflict
senior planning
Oct 03, 2023
Guide: Home Care Funding Solutions
Senior reviewing financial documents at desk
Sep 28, 2023
Your Aging Parents’ Finances: How to Ask the Difficult Questions and Get Real Answers
Grandfather, adult daughter and grandkids cooking and living together
Sep 15, 2023
Is Multigenerational Living Right for You?
Caregiver daughter and senior
Aug 16, 2023
The Benefits of Respite Care for Dementia Caregivers
Caregiver taking care of senior woman in her bed
Aug 01, 2023
Returning Home: Navigating a Hospital Discharge
Caregiver sits with smiling senior man
Aug 01, 2023
9 Things to Consider After a Hospital Discharge
Caregiver helping a senior woman out of a car
Jul 21, 2023
Guide: Returning Home from the Hospital
Jun 30, 2023
Tips for Returning Home from the Hospital
woman caregiver smiling
May 26, 2023
Guide: 5 Ways to Prevent Hospitalizations
Two daughters sit at kitchen table and talk legal needs of aging parents
May 25, 2023
Why Power of Attorney is So Important for Older Adults
Senior man and woman review senior care options with daughter.
Jan 18, 2023
Understanding Care Options
Sad Senior Indoors
Feb 28, 2024
Depression, Heart Disease, Diabetes…Could it be Low Vitamin D?
Senior resting his head on his hands
Feb 22, 2024
Are Glasses Enough for Older Adults?
Senior sitting down with their hands clasped
Feb 15, 2024
Health Tips for Managing Arthritis in Older Adults
Senior man having blood pressure checked
Feb 07, 2024
10 Signs Medications Could be to Blame
Senior man and son fishing together at the end of a dock
Feb 06, 2024
Aging, Mental Health and Caregiving
Caregiver helping elderly woman bathe
Feb 01, 2024
Do Older Adults Really Smell Different?
Senior with family caregiver.
Jan 26, 2024
4 COPD Management Tips for Caregivers
Collection of prescription bottles
Jan 24, 2024
Let’s Talk About Rx
Older man looking out window
Jan 18, 2024
Signs of Depression in Older Adults
Senior in deep thought.
Jan 10, 2024
7 Tips to Reduce the Stress of Incontinence Caregiving
worried senior
Jan 03, 2024
Listen Up: Here’s How Age Can Impact Your 5 Senses
Caregiver wearing PPE helping senior
Dec 01, 2023
11 Cold, Flu and COVID Prevention Tips for Older Adults
Elderly woman gazes out the window of her home.
Nov 23, 2023
Anxiety: the Real Reason Mom Won’t Leave the House
Older Adult with Anxiety
Oct 27, 2023
How to Approach an Older Adult with Anxiety
Home Instead Caregiver taking blood pressure reading for senior man at home
Oct 20, 2023
How to Keep An Aging Adult’s Blood Pressure in the Green Zone
Cutting board on counter with healthy cut foods arranged on it
Oct 04, 2023
Older Adults and Diabetes: What You Need to Know
Senior woman sitting at dining room table eating healthy meal.
Sep 27, 2023
10 Diabetes Superfoods Older Adults Can Say “Yes!” To
Row of apples on a grocery store shelf
Sep 21, 2023
Exercise, Nutrition Important to Fighting Osteoporosis and Preventing Fall-Related Injuries
older man being comforted by daughter
Sep 13, 2023
How to Calm an Older Adult’s Anxiety
Senior pouring medication pills in to her hand
Aug 03, 2023
8 Tips to Help Avoid Medication Mistakes
eye vision chart in doctor office
Jul 22, 2023
5 Tips to Maintain Independence with Vision Loss
hearing aid placed in hand
Jul 19, 2023
Learn the Hidden Risks of Hearing Loss
Prescription on paper
May 24, 2023
10 Key Questions Older Adults Should Ask the Pharmacist
Box of ear plugs
May 03, 2023
DIY Ways to Experience Sensory Loss
Caregiver and senior cooking in kitchen
Apr 13, 2023
Vision Loss Simulator: Cooking with Cataracts
Aug 05, 2024
3 Steps to Prepare Older Loved Ones for Severe Weather
senior on ipad
Feb 20, 2024
Think Fast! Best Brain Games and Apps for Older Adults
Senior bathing
Feb 14, 2024
4 Tips to Make Showering Easier
Daughter talking with mom and dad
Feb 13, 2024
Fraud Checklist: What to Do if You’ve Been Scammed
Mother and daughter talking about finances
Feb 09, 2024
Protect Seniors from Fraud
Family mealtimes with seniors
Feb 08, 2024
4 Recipes to Connect Families
Senior couple walking their dog
Feb 07, 2024
Staycation Ideas for Older Adults
Families Chatting
Feb 06, 2024
Elderoscopy: 6 Questions You Need to Answer to Age Well
senior man in a car
Feb 06, 2024
Retiring from Driving: 3 Ways to Make the Transition
Senior walking down the stairs
Feb 02, 2024
Top Five Aging in Place Pitfalls
Writing a check
Jan 29, 2024
Three Scams Targeting Older Adults Are on the Rise
Aging Adult on phone
Jan 24, 2024
3 Benefits of Technology to Share with Older Adults and Their Caregivers
Older woman driving a car
Jan 17, 2024
Medical Conditions That Put the Brakes on Driving
Messy Kitchen
Dec 15, 2023
5 Ways to Address Hoarding
Senior Outdoors
Dec 12, 2023
Soaking up the Sun: Benefits of Getting Outdoors for Aging Adults
Senior Present2
Nov 21, 2023
Holiday Gift Guide: Technology Products to Consider for Aging Loved Ones
Senior woman happily playing piano at home
Nov 16, 2023
10 Tips for Healthy Aging
Older man scraping ice off car window
Nov 08, 2023
7 Tips to Keep Older Adults Safe This Winter
Senior woman taking a walk
Nov 07, 2023
Activities for an Older Adult's Mind, Body and Soul
Giving a gift to a senior.
Nov 07, 2023
Holiday Gift Guide: 5 Ideas for Aging Loved Ones
Senior man looking at a photo album
Nov 01, 2023
Processing Grief: Tips to Manage Emotions this Season
Family gathering to open gifts
Oct 23, 2023
10 Older Adult-Friendly Holiday Tips
Senior at Bank
Oct 19, 2023
10 Ways to Stretch Your Dollars
Aging man holds railing and cane while standing on front step of his home
Oct 19, 2023
How to Improve Home Safety for Older Adults
senior looking out window
Oct 11, 2023
5 Signs an Aging Adult is Experiencing Loneliness
Father and son looking at computer.
Oct 01, 2023
5 Tips to Protect Older Adults from Online Scams
Untitled design 1
Sep 18, 2023
10 Secrets to Sound Slumber
Handyman fixinfg a bathroon grab bar
Sep 07, 2023
Home Safety Checklist: Making Home Safer for Aging Adults
Sick senior and caregiver
Sep 05, 2023
Guide: The Truth About Hospice
INstalling a senior safely grab bar on the wall
Aug 23, 2023
Guide: Home Safety Checklist
Daughter,  sharing lunch with her mother
Aug 16, 2023
Myth Busters: 6 Common Misconceptions About Nutrition as We Age
Senior relaxing at home.
Jul 22, 2023
When Mom Can’t Go on Vacation
senior man in a car
Jul 21, 2023
10 Signs an Older Adult May be Unsafe on the Road
Jul 20, 2023
10 Tips to Stay Safe from Wildfires
Caregiver Cleaning
Jul 20, 2023
5 Ways to Keep an Older Adult's Home Clean
Seniors and romance
Jul 19, 2023
When Mom Gets a Boyfriend
Seniors having dinner
Jun 24, 2023
The Scoop on Older Adults and Sex
Two seniors praying
Jun 21, 2023
The Need for Faith and Spirituality Along the Caregiving Journey
older woman with handheld fan
Jun 15, 2023
Summer Safety Tips for Older Adults
Seniors enjoying mealtime with family
Jun 14, 2023
Companionship Diet: A Recipe for Healthy Aging
Senior eating healthy meal
Jun 14, 2023
8 Nutrition Tips for Older Adults
Senior helping with meal preparation
Jun 14, 2023
6 Ways to Make Older Adults Part of Your Family Meals
Senior eating alone
Jun 14, 2023
9 Mealtime Challenges for Older Adults
senior female walking on sidewalk
May 31, 2023
10 Summertime Activities for Everyone
May 31, 2023
5 Best Pet Options for Older Adults
Aging man sitting at dining room table eating healthy meal.
May 25, 2023
Dietary Restrictions: Resource Guide
May 03, 2023
7 Ways Older Adults Can Interact with Pets
Smart watch on a wrist
Apr 28, 2023
Top Aging in Place Technologies to Help You Stay Home
Senior pointing to her ears
Apr 13, 2023
10 Ways to Save Your Senses
Mar 22, 2023
Pets and Older Adults Make the Perfect Pair
Adult son taking keys from aging man
Feb 15, 2023
Let’s Talk About Driving
IMG 8646
Mar 14, 2024
Nurturing Independence: Setting Boundaries for Caregivers and Aging Loved Ones
Family playing a game.
Aug 04, 2023
Sandwich Generation is Feeling the Caregiving Stress
Family caregiver at rest
Jul 19, 2023
Self-Care is not Selfish: Tips for Caregivers
Senior couple sitting at a table
Jan 17, 2024
Signs that Spousal Caregiving May Be Becoming Too Risky for You
holidays senior
Dec 20, 2023
Creating a Safe Home for Older Adults this Holiday Season
Woman caregiver smiling
Dec 14, 2023
9 Ways to Be a More Optimistic Caregiver
senior on treadmill
Dec 01, 2023
5 Healthy Aging Resolutions for Older Adults and Caregivers
giving a gift to a senior.
Nov 17, 2023
Family Caregiver Holiday Gift Guide
Senior receiving present from caregiver
Nov 08, 2023
Holiday Stress Busters for Family Caregivers
Man sitting at kitchen table with car keys in hand
Nov 07, 2023
5 Ways to Move Past Caregiver Denial
Two adult sisters talking
Oct 04, 2023
Family Caregivers: How to Ask Others for Help
Female talking on phone
Sep 27, 2023
Help for Long-Distance Caregivers
Adult daughter quietly thinking while looking depressed
Sep 13, 2023
5 Ways to Manage Caregiver Guilt
Family sitting around a table
Aug 25, 2023
5 Ways to Survive the Sandwich Generation Press
Woman looking longingly
Jul 15, 2023
Emotional and Physical Signs of Caregiver Stress
Family Caregiver taking notes in a book
Jun 22, 2023
10 Benefits Working Caregivers Want (and Need)
Seniors hugging
May 27, 2023
Preserving Intimacy While Caring for a Spouse
Woman wiping away tears
May 03, 2023
Managing Caregiver Depression Through Exercise
Upset female caregiver
Apr 19, 2023
5 Ways to Manage Caregiver Anger
Family enjoying themselves
Apr 12, 2023
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Family Caregiver talking to his employer
Apr 12, 2023
How to Talk with Your Employer about Caregiving
Caregiver pouring a drink
Mar 23, 2023
The Many Benefits of Caring for Others
Mom and daughter taking a walk
Mar 09, 2023
5 Health Tips for Working Family Caregivers
Daughter sitting with her dad
Feb 23, 2023
Daughters in the Workplace