My HomeInstead: Guelph, Cambridge, Caledon, Orangeville
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(226) 776-9812

Jan 01, 2021

Looking for another language?

A Home Instead caregiver and an elderly man sit together on a porch swing, enjoying coffee and a book, emphasizing relaxed and meaningful companionship.

We aim to provide all content on our website in both English and French, and are committed to providing this same information in alternate formats upon request.

Most of our website can be translated into other languages with machine-based, on-demand translation tools such as those found on Google Translate. Additionally, if you wish to interact with our website in another language, most common web browsers allow you to specify and change language preferences through their settings or via a “Translation Options” dialogue at the top of most common browsers (i.e. Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.).


This tool is not available in all browsers or older formats. In that event, or if you prefer anyway, you can follow this link to Google Translate Site which will help translate our site to the appropriate language for you.


Once you enter the URL to our website in the space provided and tap the blue arrow button, Google will take you back to our site with as much text as possible translated into your preferred language. There will also be a new toolbar just above our site that lets you switch back to the original language.

The translations will apply to the navigation system and pages visited from the initial translated page will appear in the desired language.

Please note that images with any text or other informational graphics like charts and diagrams will not be translated and will remain in either English.

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