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Mar 01, 2021

Covid-19 One Year Later: Silver Linings and Older Adults

Since March 2020, North Americans have lived with the daily threat of Covid-19. Despite the many challenges the world crisis brought, especially for high-risk populations like older adults, there have also been silver linings – like moments for seniors to connect with their loved ones and communities in new ways.

In the month of March, Home Instead will share Covid-19 challenges, inspiring stories and research on this page. Please check back for weekly updates. You can also share your silver linings story on our Facebook page.

March 31, 2021: 5 Caregiving Tips to Continue Navigating Covid-19

From Home Instead and the National Alliance for Caregiving, consider these tips for helping to stay connected as we continue to navigate the pandemic.

  1. Look for resources in your area. Contact your local Area Agency on Aging. For caregiving tips, check out the resources of the National Alliance for Caregiving and find free caregiving support tips and respite care.
  2. Find outlets for respite. If you can’t get away for an extended time, take regular renewal breaks such as a walk in the park, meditation, a long bath or an afternoon movie viewing. To learn more about the value of home care, reach out to a local office near you.
  3. Balance the risk. It’s important to keep a loved one safe, but just as important is avoiding burnout. You can’t take care of another if you don’t take care of yourself. This will look different for every caregiver so understand what you need and make a plan to get help.
  4. Continue to find ways to safely connect. Creative ideas emerged throughout the pandemic, from drive-by parades that celebrated special events to Zoom calls, families were ingenious. Continuing to generate fun and safe activities will benefit the entire family.
  5. Get the support you need. Online support groups can help family caregivers connect with others and potentially relieve some of the tension and stress of family caregiving during a pandemic.

March 19, 2021: Unexpected Connections Can Be a Silver Lining for Isolated Seniors

One silver lining of the year-long pandemic has been the opportunity to make unexpected connections with aging adults. Learn how this Denver, CO, CAREGiver tapped into an older woman’s love of art to ease her anxiety and loneliness. Helping aging adults focus on what they love most is keeping seniors positive during these difficult times.




March 17, 2021: Research Reveals It’s Not All Doom and Gloom

A recent Home Instead study highlights that silver linings are catching on:

  • 66% of older adults feel more hopeful about the next year
  • 29% feel a deeper connection to their loved ones today than before
  • 72% plan to still use technology to communicate with others

Download the COVID-19 One Year Later Research Summary  to learn more about how older adults are making deeper connections and using technology for the better.

Download PDF

Webinar: Caregiving During a Pandemic

To learn more about the impact Covid-19 has had on older adults and their family caregivers, watch the live chat “Caregiving During a Pandemic: A Year in Review.”

C. Grace Whiting from the National Alliance for Caregiving and Dr. Lakelyn Hogan, Home Instead gerontologist, discusses the pandemic’s impact on caregiving, including:

  • Silver linings that have emerged for aging adults and caregivers
  • Tips for family caregivers as they continue to navigate COVID-19
  • Ways the pandemic will impact caregiving going forward
C. Grace Whiting from the National Alliance for Caregiving

March 1, 2021: Covid-19 Brings Challenges and Silver Linings for Older Adults and Family Caregivers

The pandemic that emerged in early 2020 had a monumental impact on aging adults and their families. Not only did COVID-19 take a toll on older adults physically, the isolation and loneliness that ensued created an even greater risk for many vulnerable seniors. And for thousands of families, caregiving became a new way of life.

“A lot of families were thrown into a caregiving role,” noted Home Instead® Gerontologist and Caregiver Advocate Lakelyn Hogan, Ph.D. “Family members were finding themselves with more responsibilities and sometimes trying to support aging loved ones from a distance.”

“Others have been sandwiched between kids and work and caregiving responsibilities,” explained C. Grace Whiting J.D., CEO of the National Alliance for Caregiving. “Research has shown that Covid-19 contributed to added stressors that have forced family caregivers to go above and beyond.”

Aging adults have faced a different challenge. With lockdowns ordered in cities and care communities throughout North America, so many older adults found themselves completely alone. “The number one impact Covid-19 has had on older adults is feelings of loneliness and isolation,” Whiting explained.

Families and Communities Find Ways to Support Older Adults

Despite the challenges that so many aging adults and their families faced, there were silver linings in the pandemic.

“There’s been a rise in volunteerism,” Whiting said. “For example, the Nextdoor app launched a help map and groups to bring neighbors together.”

Volunteers are also able to participate in remote service opportunities, like writing a letter to a senior pen pal to help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation among older adults.

“Another [silver linings] is people feeling more comfortable with technology,” Whiting said. “I used to say to my parents and in-laws, ‘let’s do video calls.’ It was like pulling teeth, but now they’ve gotten more comfortable with it.”

Among the most significant benefits are more of an emphasis on family and awareness of caregiving. “Families were looking for more ways to connect and keep their seniors safe in an ever-changing pandemic,” Hogan said.

Share Your Silver Linings

From grandchildren who are now connecting remotely with their older loved ones more than they ever did in-person prior to the pandemic, to aging parents who are now thriving at home with their adult children after the decision was made to bring them home from a facility, there is good news to share. The team at Home Instead would love to hear your silver linings story.

  • Are you part of a new multigenerational family living situation?
  • Do you know a senior who has adopted a pet for companionship or receives regular visits from someone else’s pet?
  • Do you know volunteers who have organized activities that help aging adults feel more connected to their communities?
  • Has a volunteer, community member or professional caregiver helped seniors adjust to lockdowns in some way?
  • Is there an older adult you know who has learned a new skill or started a new hobby since lockdown began?
  • Do you know someone who is using a skill to give back to others, like this 84-year-old who knit scarves for the homeless?


“It’s important to continue a dialogue about the positives,” Hogan added, “because this isn’t over. We need to be ready for the months ahead. Positive thinking, a focus on hope and attention to mental wellness will help.”

Share Your Silver Linings Story

Fremont shoot 22

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