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A Home Instead caregiver helps an elderly man choose between two sweaters, showcasing thoughtful and personalized assistance for daily routines.

Hospital & Rehab Care in Whitby, ON

​Hospital stays and spending time in medical facilities is sometimes a reality of the aging process. At Home Instead, we understand that these environments can be stressful and unfamiliar for your senior loved one. Hospital and clinical teams can often be busy and not able to give your family member the one-on-one attention they need to feel at ease. This, along with giving family caregivers a break is where Home Instead's Hospital Care Services can help.

We can watch over and engage your elderly loved one while they are in a hospital, supplementing the care and attention they are receiving from medical personnel or family during their stay.

Hospital & Rehab Care Services

In these situations our caregivers can be a steady and reliable presence in your loved one's path to recovery. Spending time in a hospital or rehab facility can be stressful, but our caregivers can be reassuring helpers and one-on-one companions that are dedicated solely to your senior's comfort and well-being. Our Care Professionals can help with:

  • Providing reassuring companionship in a foreign environment
  • Staying with your loved one through the night
  • Seeking assistance from hospital/facility staff as needed
  • Assisting with feeding and personal hygiene
  • Monitoring moods and mental states
  • Helping prevent Hospital Delirium
  • Minimizing sleep deprivation
  • Encouraging physical activity and mobilization (as appropriate)
  • Preventing & Managing difficult behaviors
  • Running necessary errands
  • Document doctor and staff visits
  • Monitor pain and discomfort
  • Advocate for minimum disruptions