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Jan 31, 2022

Generations: Home Instead Caregiver Bill Glover Redefines Retirement

Home Instead Caregiver Bill Glover receives the 2021 Mid-Atlantic Caregiver of the Year award.

Bill Glover, the 2021 Home Instead CAREGiver of the Year from South Carolina, was recently featured in the American Society on Aging’s Generations magazine. At 67-years-old, Glover is redefining the retirement age norm -- fully committed to his full-time role of providing top-notch care and bettering the lives of his clients.

“I still play golf from time to time—and of course I see my 13 grandchildren,” Glover says. “But my work with my clients is my focus and keeps me busy. And it’s beautiful work.”

Read more about Glover’s passion in Generations Magazine.

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