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Jul 06, 2022

Care Professional of the Month - July 2022

Written By: Home Instead of Saskatoon

We are thrilled to recognize Phyllis as our Care Professional of the Month for July 2022

Who signs up to care for a client living with a brain injury and obsessive-compulsive disorder, residing in a long-term care home during multiple COVID lockdowns? During the early part of the COVID pandemic, a small team of Home Instead outstanding Care Professionals provided around the clock care to a woman whose needs went beyond that of the long-term care home staff. Each care pro on that team deserves a standing ovation!

But today we recognize Care Pro Phyllis who joined this team and played a very special role in that client's life; Phyllis earned and kept the role of this client's best friend. No matter what difficulties arose, as the client's condition worsened and psychiatric symptoms and behaviors emerged and made some days very trying, this caregiver remained trusted and true to her client. Phyllis demonstrated a deep commitment and love which allowed her to always see the client’s behavior from a viewpoint that was objective and helpful; she did not get offended or allow personal irritation to enter the relationship. Daily, when confined to the single room in full PPE, Phyllis showed self-control by inviting her client to focus on their time together. They visited about so many deep and personal topics and as problems came up, she would address them and talk with her client to ensure her needs were met. In this manner emotions and behaviors did not need to escalate and their time together was spent in friendly interaction. Phyllis is a master in caring relationships, and we are grateful for her ability and commitment to offer this level of care to our Home Instead clients. 

After two years of this rigorous role, we talked with Phyllis about changing her clientele to refresh her role as a Care Professional. Fast forward several months and now we are delighted to see Phyllis buoyant and joyful and energized by her visits to a variety of clients living in the community. Phyllis enjoys getting to know new people, determines what would improve their quality of life, and shares her insights with our client care coordinator. Phyllis is a pleasure to introduce to a new client: she is well-prepared, warm and engaging, making meaningful connections and putting people at ease. It is this desire to connect, to give her full attention to a client, that is a hallmark of her work as a Care Professional. Her kind, gentle approach endears her to clients, families, and our Admin Team.

From one client when she first joined us to a variety of clients today, Phyllis serves people well, treats them with dignity and respect, and maintains an open heart and positive attitude. Phyllis is deep and kindhearted, easy to be with, supportive, non-judgmental and stable. She is genuine, keeps things confidential and is very supportive. Working with seniors is where her heart is. The look on her face when she talks about seniors... you can see it is her passion. 

Thank you, Phyllis, for joining us when you did – may you continue experiencing great joy and satisfaction in your service with Home Instead.  Congratulations!

All client names have been changed for privacy.

All Home Instead Care Professionals are screened, trained, bonded and insured. For inquiries about employment, please call (306) 931-4663 or apply online. For further information about Home Instead, visit our website.

Phyllis E; Care Professional of the Month - July 2022

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