Managing Stress When You Are Part of the Sandwich Generation
By Greg Bechard
Owner of Home Instead Mississauga
Advice from Senior Care Experts
Back in the 1980s, many families found themselves right where you might be now, a part of the Sandwich Generation. They spent time caring for their growing children and their elderly parents. With the onset of the Baby Boomer generation retiring each year, the number of caregivers is increasing exponentially. The added responsibilities of getting Mom to her doctor appointments while making sure to attend your daughter’s recital and you can feel it—burnout is just around the corner. If you are one of those in the Club Sandwich group, you can quickly have more on your plate than it can hold.
Avoid burnout and guilt by taking time to care for your health and well-being, too. If it all seems too overwhelming, the home care professional at Home Instead Mississauga can bring relief to you and your family. We support families and their loved ones through these challenging, yet important, seasons of life.
Put Your Air Mask on First When Caring for Your Seniors
Think back to the last airplane flight you took. Do you remember what they suggested that those flying with small children should do? You got it! In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, put your mask on first, then put on your child’s. The same concept applies to taking care of others. Take some time to care for yourself. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- Start with Self-Care: Maintain your health by eating healthy, exercising, and visiting your physician and dentist regularly. Remember to get plenty of sleep. The better you care for your mental and physical health, the better you can care for others.
- Find New Ways to Share Information: You might have siblings that want constant updates on Dad’s health, in-laws that want to see videos of the kids. Send group emails and texts whenever possible to reduce the time you have to spend catching up with everyone.
- Ask for Help: Avoid letting your pride stop you from asking for help. Delegate chores to children. Ask your siblings for help getting Mom to places or dealing with Dad’s financial papers. If no one will step up and help, consider hiring a trusted senior care professional to lighten your load.
- Decide on Priorities and Learn to Say No: During this season in life, you may not be able to participate in all the volunteer activities you used to. Remember you only have 24 hours in a day, and you are just one person. Set your priorities and tell the rest, “no, not at this time.”
- Take Regular Time for Yourself: Schedule time just for you. Read a book. Go out to lunch with friends. Attend a yoga class. Do something you enjoy, and that refreshes you. Resuming your caregiving duties will be much easier.
Senior Home Health Care Gives You the Respite You Need
Care for your family better when you care for yourself and enlist the help of the team at Home Instead. Our highly trained caregivers offer a variety of customized home care services that can ease your time constraints while making sure Mom is well taken care of. We can help you keep your stress levels low during this time of life.
Additional Important Resources
Benefits: Learn how home care benefits you and your family.
Reviews: Read home care reviews from families in Mississauga.
Awarded CAREGivers: Every month we award the Caregiver of the Month. Please see the Best CAREGivers in Mississauga.
Call for a free personalized Care Consultation (905) 276-2273
Service Area: The office of Home Instead in Mississauga services the following areas: All Mississauga including: Clarkson, Cooksville, Dixie, Erin Mills, Erindale, Lakeview, Lorne Park, Port Credit, Sheridan, Streetsville