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A Home Instead caregiver sits on a porch swing with an elderly man, both smiling warmly, highlighting a moment of shared connection and companionship.

Client Directed Home Care Invoicing (CDHCI)- Calgary, AB

Receive better Home Care for Seniors at a Subsidized Cost

Home Instead is an approved vendor and is the preferred choice of many Alberta Health Services Case Managers. As Calgary’s premium Home Care provider, we specialize in Providing In-Home Care for seniors. Some Seniors only require help with Cooking, Transportation and Personal care while others require Dementia Care, Overnight Care or Nursing Care. Home Instead can help with all of these Home Care needs. Receive care the way you deserve it, call Home Instead today.

What is the Client Directed Home Care (CDHC) Invoicing Program?

Client Directed Home Care is designed to give you choice on how you want to receive Home Care. It allows Seniors in Calgary the ability to receive Home Care from their preferred vendor at a significantly subsidised cost.

To start the Process, you must call 811 to request an assessment. After this, an Alberta Health Services Home Care Case Worker will come out and asses either yourself or your senior loved one.

Once you have received the approval from Alberta Health Services Home Care, you can now use these subsidized hours to receive Home Care from Home Instead. These services can include:

Personal Care- Bathing, Toileting, Grooming, Dressing and more

Home Support- Cleaning, Changing bedding, Laundry, Vacuuming, Meal Preparation, Cooking, Cleaning and More

Respite Care- Support so that the other partner can have time where they know their Senior loved one is receiving care.

Home Instead is an approved vendor and is the preferred choice of many Alberta Health Services Case Managers. As Calgary’s premium Home Care provider, we specialize in Providing In-Home Care for seniors. Some Seniors only require help with Cooking, Transportation and Personal care while others require Dementia Care, Overnight Care or Nursing Care. Home Instead can help with all of these Home Care needs.

By Choosing Home Instead we handle ALL of the administrative requirements such as : billings and submissions to Alberta Blue Cross, Insurances, Caregiver training, Hiring and screening and more. You receive a Highly Trained Care Professional to provide high quality In-Home Care.

Why Choose Home Instead?

Since 2009, Home Instead has been serving Calgary’s seniors by providing High quality In-Home Care. Debbie Franchuk RN saw a need for a premium home care provider while she was working as a transition services nurse for AHS. That’s why at Home Instead we keep the senior as the center of our care. We design Care around the needs of that senior. We take into account their preferences and desires on how they want to receive their care.

Our Team matches a team of Care Professionals to your Seniors needs. We match based on Skills, Personality, similar hobbies and more. We find that by doing these extra steps, our Clients are much happier with their In home Support.

Contact Us (403) 984-9225

To receive more information on the Client Directed Home Care Call today or fill out or contact form.

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Home Instead has joined forces with Honor to provide you with the support and tools needed to do your best professional caregiving work. Start your caregiver application on the next page with Honor.

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