Why Mom Needs Help after Returning Home from the Hospital
A hospital is a place for healing. Recovering from the stay takes time. For seniors, that may take much longer. If your mother is highly independent, recovering can be highly frustrating. She may think she can get back to her everyday life. Reality says that she may end up back in the hospital within 30 days of discharge if she isn’t careful.
No one wants to see their elderly family member back in the hospital. Instead, they want to witness a rapid recovery. The help of a trained caregiver helps ensure your mother can stay in her home when she is discharged from the hospital.
Reasons to Hire a Professional Senior Caregiver
Mom may feel a little weak but still be in great spirits. That’s something you want to see, but without the assistance of a professional senior citizen caregiver, her time at home may be short-lived. Her quality of life can be affected, leaving her frustrated. You can stop that from happening when you hire a personal care worker to help your mother. Here are four reasons to support your decision:
- Overestimating Her Strength: Your senior may think they can get home and get back to their everyday activities. That isn’t always the case. They may still feel a little weak and overestimate what they can accomplish. In-home caregivers ensure that Mom gets what she needs and has the necessary support until she regains her strength.
- Compromised Immune System: The extra stress from being ill or injured can compromise their immune system. This leaves the elderly susceptible to becoming sick again. With assistance from a caregiver, Mom can finish recuperating in the comfort of her home. Her immunity will improve as well.
- Sleep Deprivations Causing Issues: Hospitals are busy places and often noisy. Plus, the beds are not very comfortable. When your loved one comes home, they will be ready for the comfort of their own bed. The lack of sleep can leave them off balance and increase their likelihood of a fall. Without help nearby, Mom may severely injure herself.
- New Medications Affecting Health: Inevitably, your parent will come home with a list of new medications prescribed at the hospital. They are all intended to help; however, it is possible that they will interact with existing medicines. Mom may experience side effects that leave her vulnerable to additional injury. Trained and experienced caregivers know how to look for possible results from the prescriptions your senior brings home from the hospital.
Ensure Mom’s Safe Recovery with Assistance from Home Instead
Mom needs all the support she can get after her hospital stay to ensure she can live life fully at home. When you can’t be there, we can. The Home Instead Richmond Hill & Vaughan staff work hard every day to aid families and their elderly loved ones. Our services range from companionship, home help, and other customized home care services to caring for aging adults after they have been discharged from hospital. We serve your family so that you can enjoy every moment without worry. Contact us today to establish the best services for your family’s needs.
Call us at (289) 619-1515 to schedule a no-obligation, in-home consultation. Learn more about the compassionate, quality senior care we deliver, every day, to families in Richmond Hill, Vaughan communities of Maple & Concord, Thornhill.